Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Bestie

I have spent about 2 hours working on my blog design in the past couple of days. I really do not like enjoy this type of thing, but thanks to my best girlfriend, my eyes have been opened and I see how much more exciting blogging can be when I manage to find something a bit easier on the eyes! I had no idea how many backgrounds and design options were available on a google blog, until she gave me a a phone tutorial from 2,541 miles away (yes that is door to door, driven). I like my new blog design much more than I like my old one. But this post isn't about my blog design, it's about my best friend, Jessica. There are some people that you can phase in and out of contact with as life demands more or less from you, and you just remain closest friends. Jess and I don't actually have much in common, which is what makes our long-standing friendship unique. We have agreed to disagree on almost everything. :) But the thing is, I know she'd do anything for me and I'd do anything for her. We have made some hysterical memories together (most of which are still under wraps), have gotten in trouble together, laughed together, cried together, argued with each other, agreed, disagreed, supported, and best of all just loved each other in the best way that girlfriends can. We've had more girlie-magazine, movie, & ice cream nights spent in my first tiny apartment than we know what to do with. She stayed with me when the hubby was away on business in our first year of marriage (yes, I was almost too scared to stay by myself) babysat our kitty (her "nephew"), put up with my dog eating the whipped cream off of her dessert, and taught me a shopping principle that has remained with me to this day: "WHEN IN DOUBT, LEAVE IT OUT!!"

When Jess came out to visit me shortly after we moved here, we made a point to go to the Everglades for a guided "alligator tour." Wouldn't you know, after paying our $20 and getting on a really frighteningly decrepit air boat, we did not see a single one all day. "Hmm...real unusual-like...ain't never happened a'fore." (Words of wisdom from our old Cajun alligator-finder-man). We got soaked in the rain, but those alligators never came up for air. Jerks. She was here for 4th of July, when we bought a box of tiny little "firecrackers" from Wal-Mart and lit them off in the condo parking lot. Lol!! Happy 4th! :)

I'm really blessed to have some great friends in my life. I could name on one hand the people I choose to open up to 100%, and she definitely makes the list. So, to my best girlfriend, Cheers!

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