Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Minute to Breathe!!

The last few days have been insane. I typically commit to obligations in life under the assumption that I am, indeed, superwoman. The only problem with this is sometimes I'm just....not!! Brief schedule of last week--Monday...5am, up. 6:15am commute to work, start work at 7:30. Work till 7:45. Commute home. By the way, it was storming. Bad. Tuesday...5am, up. 6:15 commute to work, start work at 8:35 due to an accident on the freeway. Walk in to work with a hunchback due to long time sitting in traffic. Leave work at 3. Get home at 4:30, eat lunch, get ready, go to special service at church by 7pm. Wednesday....repeat, only it was my last at the old job and I left work after 6. Went home, started packing. Thursday, thought that we'd be able to move our whole house in one day. Attempt. Fail. Didn't go to bed till 3:30am. Bed consisted of...the floor, because almost everything was already moved. Got up at 4:45am to get ready for a 12 hour paid working interview day at my prospective job. Worked from 7:20 till 7pm. GOT THE JOB!!! PTL!! :) 

I'll admit, it was a crazy day, and a crazy week. I wasn't sure if I could get the job while functioning on just over an hour of sleep, but somehow I did!! 

Thankfully I didn't have to work today, and I slept from 10pm last night until 11:20 this morning. That was amazing. Rich and I spent the day bumming around, went out to a super late lunch and then went shopping for furniture. Like a dummy  I forgot the floor plans to our new place, so I'll have to get them and then go back to EA next week. Hopefully we can get our place all put together quickly and painlessly. :)

Thankfully the week is over and tomorrow will be a day of church and rest!!! :)