Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Fit2Fat2Fit Blog

In the last 18 months I've started a long, slow journey towards becoming more healthy and fit. I still have a ways to go but since I started down this road I have lost four dress sizes and added things to my lifestyle that had not been a part of it before...protein shakes, a personal trainer, online food and exercise journal, enough cases of water stacked up in my house to survive the Apocalypse, and eating every three hours. (Not gonna lie. Eating six times a day sounded awesome but it has been a real challenge! I feel like I barely finished a snack or meal before I already have to eat again.)

Of course when you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle you are always looking for inspiration and ideas!! One of my friends at the gym told me about this blog a couple of months ago, called Fit2Fat2Fit. Drew Manning, a personal trainer, decided to gain as much weight as possible in six months, and then get it back off so that he could have a glimpse into the "fat world" and be able to better understand his clients.

It's a really cool project and I have enjoyed following his progress for the last few months. You can view the home page for the Fit2Fat2Fit project HERE. If you look there is also a link to his blog which is pretty good too.

Cheers to a happier, healthier 2012!