Monday, May 23, 2011

The Benefits of Social Media

Facebook is great for keeping up with people. And frankly, sometimes it's nice to know that I'm not the only person who gets crazy when the house is a mess, or feels grumpy on Monday mornings. There's a lot of wisdom to be gotten, if you will pay attention.

This past week I got 2 little snippets of advice that I really appreciated...

1) Get rid of anything that is not useful, joyful, or beautiful. 

Since I'm already The Queen of Throwing Things Away, I'm now eyeing everything in the house. :) 

2) Don't fret over things that have solutions.

Loved that thought!!! Last night I went into hyperdrive and had an hour cleaning spree. Nothing is as relaxing as a clean house! However, I can get stressed when things aren't just the way I want. 

With my two new mantras, I'm prepared for battle. :)