Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Furry Family

I think of us as a family of four. Just some of our family members have fur. :) My "kids" alternately brighten my day or annoy me to death. They make so much extra work for me but I love!

Some of the poses that they routinely strike:

7am: Wake up. Feed cat. Thank you.

Every time anyone walks near or into a bathroom: cat strikes a pose in the tub and meows until someone turns on the fountain of youth  faucet for him. Annoying? Absolutely. But I guess everyone's entitled to a little fresh, flowing water. And a human servant or two. 

12pm belly rub. Usually starts with the dog getting as close to a human as possible and "flopping" like so ^^

2pm cat nap time. Please do not make too much noise, talk on the phone, or vacuum. Doing so will result in this angry face and twitching tail. 

5pm walk!!!! Hard to get anything done with a dog staring at you this intently from 2 inches away.

7pm come, puny human servant, and feed your Master! 

Just put in random shedding, barfing, potty walks, cat litter scooping, medications, grooming, washing of pet bedding, playtime, and that's pretty much what all my days off look like in a nutshell. Thank God they're not humans (but please don't tell them that).