Monday, December 12, 2011

El Salvadorian Knockoff Eggs

I'm a major proponent for blooming where you're planted in life. For me, a major way that I have enjoyed "blooming" is by embracing the cultures where I have lived. California was a mishmash of almost all types of people, and the Bay Area has a really unique feel. I still think it's an amazing place to live! 

One thing I was definitely not prepared for in South Florida was a completely different culture! I did not realize how different this end of Florida is from all the rest of the state! There are so many different cultures that I really haven't ever been too familiar with. Cubans, Jamaicans, Haitians, and Central Americans...etc. 

I've really come to embrace the culture. You might just find me arguing with Jamaicans over the price of yams, or having dinner with my husband at a total hole-in-the-wall El Salvadorian restaurant where the food is amazing and nobody speaks much English. I love the eggs that you can get in those places--Cuban restaurants have them too. 

I made them this weekend with my own twist. Hope you enjoy!!

"Breakfast" Eggs for 2

3 large eggs
1/4 cup shredded cheese (any kind you like) I used mild cheddar. 
1 tbsp heavy cream (unsweetened) 
1/4 cup salsa (any kind you like) I used Publix deli salsa--it has really chunky tomatoes and onions. yum.
Now the cupboard dance begins. I used a myriad of spices and seasonings--and I don't measure:
A dash each of garlic powder and onion powder
A couple dashes of ground cumin
A couple dashes of cayenne pepper
A quick dash of kosher salt
1/4 tsp taco seasoning
Now beat the eggs, add all the ingredients, melt 1/2-1 tbsp salted butter in a frying pan over medium heat and scramble the eggs. 


It's really yummy with plantains :)