Thursday, August 2, 2012

Welcome, Baby Gabriel!

Yesterday my friend Jenny had her baby boy. It feels like forever since she told me she was expecting! I went to visit her and cuddle with the little guy tonight. He is adorable!!! I have officially decided that babies born via C-section are much cuter than babies that get here "naturally.". At the very least their heads look normal. :) I was also surprised to find that the babies wear a little baby lo-jack anklet. It's like they are on parole. This kind of cracked me up although if I were a parent I'm sure I'd appreciate the extra effort at keeping my little one safe. The security guard who checked the bag I brought to Jenny told me I had brought fun stuff. Who doesn't want magazines, dark chocolate roasted almonds, flavored green tea, fancy water, crunchy snacks, and fresh fruit??? I must say I had no idea what items might be useful in this situation so I was very thankful to have a friend with 4 babies give me some ideas. :) 

Isn't he adorable?? He was a good baby too, and snuggled right in while I got my baby fix. :)