Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tin Foil Packet Dinner

Turkey breast is perfect for tin foil pack dinners. You only need a few simple ingredients:

1 turkey breast
baby carrots
dutch potatoes
olive oil
kosher salt
herbs--herbed poulty and herbs de provence work well together in this dish.

Brush both sides of the turkey breast with olive. Sprinkle with salt and herbs. Shake the potatoes and carrots in a ziploc bag with olive oil, salt, and herbs. Wrap the turkey breast, carrots, and potatoes in tin foil and make sure it is well sealed. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 60 minutes. Stab the turkey breast through the tin foil with a meat thermometer and make sure it reaches 160 degrees. Done! I served mine with turkey gravy.

This dish serves two--cut the turkey breast in half! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Fit2Fat2Fit Blog

In the last 18 months I've started a long, slow journey towards becoming more healthy and fit. I still have a ways to go but since I started down this road I have lost four dress sizes and added things to my lifestyle that had not been a part of it before...protein shakes, a personal trainer, online food and exercise journal, enough cases of water stacked up in my house to survive the Apocalypse, and eating every three hours. (Not gonna lie. Eating six times a day sounded awesome but it has been a real challenge! I feel like I barely finished a snack or meal before I already have to eat again.)

Of course when you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle you are always looking for inspiration and ideas!! One of my friends at the gym told me about this blog a couple of months ago, called Fit2Fat2Fit. Drew Manning, a personal trainer, decided to gain as much weight as possible in six months, and then get it back off so that he could have a glimpse into the "fat world" and be able to better understand his clients.

It's a really cool project and I have enjoyed following his progress for the last few months. You can view the home page for the Fit2Fat2Fit project HERE. If you look there is also a link to his blog which is pretty good too.

Cheers to a happier, healthier 2012!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I officially had the longest day ever today. The only thing getting me through the day was Rich's promise to go with me to Aldi. I really don't prefer to go there by myself...and I have no idea why. Is it because Rich makes me laugh? Or because I just don't like bagging my own groceries with no one to watch my purse? I don't mind stopping by Publix on my way home from work, but Aldi's seems like such a chore for some reason.

Either way I enjoy going to the store together and I was looking forward to it. First I waited for Rich to come home. He got stuck in a meeting and so was a little late. No problem. I had a snack, and walked the dog. Still completely chill. Finally he pulls up and I go out to the car. Just as we start to pull out Rich asks if I remembered my reusable bags. Of course I didn't, so we had to go back for bags. We drive all the way to Aldi and realize we don't have any spare change (you need a quarter to get a cart).

That's when I decided I had an easy and simple solution. We'd just drive across the street to the gas station where Rich could get something a pack of gum or a candy bar. Then he could get cash back, and get the PRIZE QUARTER. Of course we would choose the one store where there is no cash back.

Rich bought a peppermint patty which is when he was informed that he could not get cash back. So after paying $2.95 to get money from the ATM the cashier would not provide him with change unless he bought something else. We ended paying $2.95 plus 2 peppermint patties just to get one lousy quarter.

Finally we get back to Aldi only to realize that while were in search of bags and quarters, they had closed. So....we ended up wasting 45 minutes and shopping at Publix anyway.

There's nothing wrong with a night of hysterical laughter, right?