Saturday, May 21, 2011

More Ways to Use Summer Produce

I love, love, LOVE the fresh produce that is available in the spring and summer!! I like to find ways to stick fresh fruits & veggies into everything possible. Last weekend when I bought produce, the honey mangos, pineapple, and gala apples were definitely the highlights. At no other time of year is produce so full-flavored. Today Rich & I bummed around all day. I definitely didn't feel like "cooking" so we had PB & J. I sliced a gala apple into thin rounds and layered a few slices in the sandwiches. Yum. This doesn't work unless the apples are extremely thin!! You can cut the seed portion from the center if you wish, I usually don't. Last night we had chicken caesar salads. Rich only likes the following ingredients: lettuce, croutons, bacon bits, asiago and salad dressing. That just doesn't quite work for me so he enjoyed his boring salad and I added carrots, avocado and grape tomatoes to mine.

His salad looks like this:

And mine always looks like this:

On Friday I had honey mangoes & pineapple for a late breakfast.

Happy Summer!