Monday, July 23, 2012


So this is how you know its Monday... this morning I drag myself out of the house at my usual 7:05 a.m. miserable time when I'd rather be sleeping. As I get to my SUV I notice a black Camry parked directly behind me in a no-parking zone. After a few treacherous minutes I managed to extricate my mammoth beast vehicle from its parking spot, growling and grumbling the whole time. I was irate enough to snap 2 photos of the offending car so that I could make a formal complaint to the higher powers.

This afternoon I composed a brief email such as this: "it's **Elizabeth in 2107** and this morning somebody was parked behind me in a no-parking zone... It was difficult to get out... Blah blah blah please advise said owner of vehicle against parking behind my parking spot!!!"

Are you ready for this??? I get a response like so: "Hello, we just called the *resident of 2107* and we have determined that they do not drive a Toyota Camry. The residents of 2107 drive a black SUV. It was not your neighbors in 2107 who parked behind your vehicle. If you are able to determine who the owner of the Camry is please let us know and we will be more than happy to advise them of our neighborhood parking restrictions."

Enough said. If you cannot find the error in my Monday Tale I pity you, for it is truly colossal. Happy Monday!