Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Taco Night

So tonight, as I'm heading home, I get a phone call from Rich. His fellow station manager, Ashley, is visiting from Orlando airport, and Rich would like to bring him home to fix our WiFi connection. "And, what are we having for dinner? Do you have enough food for Ashley, too?"  Fortunately, I spent the entire day on Monday cleaning our home. So, no problems there. The house is sparkling clean. The animals have just returned from the groomer's, and everything is in its place. Unfortunately, tonight was "Taco Night". Now let me explain. My husband's FAVORITE tacos are the kind from a box. You know, 10 little flour tortillas in a foil baggie, a little packet of taco meat seasonings, and a foil pouch of taco sauce. Warm up some beans, cook the meat, and buy pre-shredded taco lettuce, pre-diced tomatoes, and a bag of shredded Mexican blend cheese. Of all the meals I can cook, "box tacos" are a very exciting occasion for Rich.  

In the entire 9 months that Rich & I have lived here in Fort Lauderdale, we have not entertained anyone except for family in our home. I'm not exactly sure why, but we just prefer to take people out. And on the one night that Rich wants to bring home a dinner guest, we are having tacos and there is nothing that I can do about it. My 45 minute commute home just doesn't allow for a quick change of dinner plans. Ashley couldn't be coming on pot roast day, lasagna day, turkey chili day, or even dutch oven chicken day. Nope, according to Murphy's law, Ashley would be my first official houseguest--on TACO NIGHT. After fretting briefly about this for a few minutes, I decided that a meal eaten in the company of friends is better than a swift kick in the head.

On the positive side, Ashley is a very pleasant gentleman from England who just moved here a few months ago. We had a great time!! My husband was very happy that he was able to bring a dinner guest home on such short notice. And I was happy because, even if I had to entertain my first guest on Taco Night, at least I learned from my mother how to do so with flair! 


  1. As my husband always tells people, my wife can cook from a box. Maybe in 10 years he will change his eating habits. LOL

  2. LOL!!!! I am just busting up laughing. You are soooo funny!!!!! Welcome to blog land!!!!

  3. I'm so excited to know that I taught you to do something with flair! :)
