Sunday, March 20, 2011

If I had to pick a favorite day of the week, it would be Sunday, by far. Now when I was a kid, I didn't really understand why people would say that Sunday was their favorite day. I knew that I was supposed to be really excited about spending the whole day at church, but personally I preferred Saturdays. 
Rich and I decided, before we got married, that if we were going to make it very far in life then we needed to have a real relationship with God. Not just to learn how to walk the walk and talk the talk, but honestly learn and understand what God expected from our lives based on the truths of the Bible and not just blindly follow whatever the "church crowd" was doing. We have taken seriously the task of figuring out what we believe and following our core beliefs in our everyday lives. We were both fortunate to be raised in Christian homes--but at some point every person has to decide what he or she is going to do with God in the long term. 

I won't bother writing out the whole story (after all, this blog can't have THAT many followers)....but we found FBC just three months after we moved here. We had been attending another church but from the first service, we knew that FBC was OUR church. It is not a big church, but it is a GREAT church! We have been so blessed here! We have, in a Pastor and Pastor's wife, real people that have become our dear friends. Our church family is amazing, and our church is reaching others. We have grown so much since we came here. It is wonderful to hear God's truths brought before us by a truly humble man who is being greatly used. Our hearts and lives are challenged and touched as our Pastor preaches from the Bible. Instead of using God to make his own points, he lets God use him to make HIS points. 

As we continue to grow spiritually, we find that we have an even stronger desire to give our Sundays wholly to God. And that's because we aren't giving our Sundays to God. He gives us something on our Sundays. Giving time to God is not a burden or an inconvenience, it is the least we can do for a God who has done so much for us, and has blessed our lives with such joy and abundance beyond anything we could have accomplished on our own. Is life perfect? No, but through all of life's troubles and worries, I know that my God will supply all my needs, and knows the path He has planned for us! Yes, Sunday is our favorite day!! 

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