Friday, June 17, 2011

A Lazy Day

Amber & I slept in today, spent a couple of hours lounging at the pool, had lunch at Fuddruckers' (Rich got to come too!!) got pedicures, and did some grocery shopping. I had every intention of making dinner, but as it turned out none of us were really hungry. Amber & I had ice cream & watched Gnomeo & Juliet. I had a defrosted whole chicken that I needed to cook. I'm again, trying to use up everything in the house. I decided to use up some other things in the house that needed to be used--lemons and a head of garlic. I squeezed the juice of one lemon into a bowl, along with the head of garlic--unpeeled, just cut in half--a few tablespoons of light tasting olive oil, and dried basil. I poured all that into the cavity of the chicken. Then I sliced another lemon into quarters and stuck that in the chicken cavity, as well. I salted and peppered the bird, poured some olive oil under and over the skin, and then sprinkled on some poultry seasoning. I decided to use some coriander and fennel, too. I crushed it a bit with my mortar and pestle, and poured some into the cavity. I dumped the rest on the bird's breast and put it in the oven to roast. It turned out extremely moist and juicy. Unfortunately I only tried a couple of bites of it--just enough to confirm that it was yummy. I've been on a vegetarian kick for a couple of weeks, and I have to say not much meat or dairy has found its way onto my plate (even the "ice cream" I had tonight was dairy free). That's a totally separate post. But overall I am having a great time relaxing with an old friend, and that's a pretty good thing. :)

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