Monday, July 25, 2011

We Played Tennis!

So Rich & I played tennis today. We have a tennis court, sand volleyball court, gym & 2 pools in the community. We bought tennis rackets for Christmas in...2009. :-) Mine was still wrapped in It seemed like such a good idea at the time. I would say we played tennis for about an hour, but that isn't quite the truth... It seemed like my arms wanted to play baseball. If we were keeping score in home runs, I would have won by a million. My balls were sailing through the air, out of the enclosure, sticking in the chain link fence, going up so high that I could barely see them anymore. It was about 90 degrees outside with 100% humidity so you can only imagine what we looked like after an hour. My rosacea had flared up so bad, my face was the color of tomato sauce and we were dripping in a mixture of sweat and humidity. GROSS!!!! We had a great time though. I learned a few things tonight. 

1) Buying a tennis racket with a picture of Maria Sharapova on the packaging does not, indeed, impart any special Sharapova skills to your game.

2) Wearing tennis shoes does not make you a tennis player.

3) Tennis is fun! 

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