Thursday, September 8, 2011


Now is your chance to laugh at me. I have never been to an Aldi's. They put one in our neighborhood recently, but I didn't go for the longest time. I'm more of a Fresh Market/Whole Foods/Publix person. But recently we have been more focused than ever on living the Dave Ramsey way, and putting away as much money as possible for rainy day? new house? whatever. And grocery prices have just been irritating me. That's when Rich & I happened to drive past Aldi's, and he said he wanted to go there. Apparently that's where he went as a kid, and he said he could show me the ropes. So off we went to Aldi's.  At first I couldn't find a shopping cart. Rich told me he could get me one for a quarter. I was so confused...until he showed me the cart system where they are all chained together. You get a cart by putting in a quarter, and when you give the cart back in the cart bay, you get your $.25 back. By the end of the first aisle, the prices were actually making me laugh. Everything was sooooo inexpensive! I bought a cart full of groceries for $64.81. And not junk, either. I got chicken, steak, hamburger, ground turkey, dairy, romaine lettuce, and all kinds of other stuff. Rich was happy too because I let him pick up some junk food (he would never eat a real meal if I didn't make him). I was actually pretty impressed with my spoils. If you go, remember your own bags or search for boxes in the store. (Which I did, like a wild

All this stuff, and a sack of potatoes (below)

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