Friday, September 28, 2012

Grass Fed Beef

Today started out beautifully. Perfect weather, sweet drive to work, birds were singing, blah blah blah. Until I strolled into my office with a smile on my face, and stepped directly into the biggest pile of dog poop imaginable. Once it was squished it made the most unbelievable smell on the planet. I spent the morning sliding around the halls in my socks while my shoes dried. :-)

What has this to do with grass-fed beef? Well, allow me to explain. Lately I've been buying only organic, hormone-free animal products such as meat, dairy, etc. A couple of months ago I also decided we would become a grass-fed beef family. I don't cook with beef very often, and I just opened my first pound of ground beef today to make tacos.

Within 2 minutes of cook time, I started noticing a faint whif of poop. I started checking my scrubs, my hair, and all the places on my person where poo can hide. These things just happen when you work with mutts and meows. I couldn't find anything, and then I stirred the ground beef. The biggest whiff of poop I have smelled hit me in the face. I dragged Rich into the kitchen to make sure I hadn't lost my mind.

I have no idea why the grass-fed beef smells like poop. I will not ever be eating it. Beef is grotesque enough without smelling like poo. I have no idea who would eat such a thing.

That is all.

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