Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm Old, and I Could Die from Stress!!

Every day at work leaves me laughing about something crazy that happens. Today was an 80-something-year-old couple, babysitting their son and daughter-in-law's old dog for a couple of days. Apparently Grandma felt that the dog needed a little special TLC to make him feel better. Now, her son is an apparently wealthy attorney. And conveniently, he has a credit card on file for emergencies,  for when he is out of town. Now Grandma came in today, with a list of demands to make the dog's life more comfortable. And kindly reminded me that when both her son and daughter-in-law drive $100,000 cars, he should be able to afford a few hundred dollars for his pooch. When I asked her if she'd like me to call her son to get the charges pre-approved, she gave me a look of shocked horror, grabbed her chest, and said..."Seeing this dog uncomfortable is stressing me out....and I'm old. My heart is old. And I could die from this kind of stress!!" Then she winked, and continued... "I raised my son to treat his dog better than this. If he needs some cash to cover the treatments, I'd recommend that his sorry self sells one of the Porsches!"

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you sure you want to quit this job?????

    You need to be friends with that lady. She is HYSTERICAL!
