Monday, August 22, 2011

Hurricane Irene!!!

Ever since we moved to Florida, I have been dreading our first "real" hurricane. Most people here think I am crazy to be so freaked out by them since I have no issues with earthquakes. But I just don't think earthquakes are nearly as scary as hurricanes! As of last night we were expecting Irene to sweep through Florida like an evil stepmother. As of tonight it's supposedly going to stay slightly east of the coast and we won't catch the major brunt of it. However, my worst nightmare is going for a week with no water or power. Or worse yet, having my floor to ceiling massive glass doors shatter into my living room! With these ominous threats looming, Rich and I dutifully set out to Home Depot and Wal-Mart.

I have never seen more chaos at Wal-mart in my life. Today is the first day of school, as well as 2 days before Irene hits. People were flooding Wal-Mart. There was parking only in the auxiliary lots. When we went  into Wal-Mart we headed straight for the water aisle. There were only 44 cases of water left in the store. By the time we left the store, it was all gone. Wal-Mart ran out of water and toilet paper! We laughed our way through the list of hurricane foods to buy...water, juice, powdered milk, canned foods, canned meats, crackers, peanut butter, beef jerky, trail mix, granola bars, etc. all of this made sense (except...powdered milk? um. no.) until we got the bottom. From an official government website, it actually said to stock up on snack cakes, including Twinkies, Little Debbie snack cakes, etc. We still can't figure out why we needed snack cakes but I guess we will know if we lose power cause we didn't buy any. Lol!

I currently have 4 sheets of wood and some 2 x 4s in my dining room. The kitchen table is full of hurricane food. And I am just trying to figure out how to stay alive.

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