Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jetrocket-Quick Ohio Trip

The year was 2008. A longtime friend of the family made the treacherous journey from Ohio to California, with a toddler in tow and a baby girl on the the way. All because I was getting married. All that to say this: it was my turn to pay a visit. ;-) Off I went, into the wild blue yonder. First of all let me say that traveling in airports is not a big deal, at all. But, for weeks before the trip, I stress out about it. Will I make my connecting flight? Will I have a Todd Beamer moment just before my untimely death? Will I contract a deadly staph infection in those disgusting moments at the TSA walk-through where I am forced to remove my shoes? Frankly, I never worry about most anything when it comes to traveling, because my lovely hubby has a career in Aviation. He knows just about everything there is to know, and mostly I just follow along behind him with my face shoved entirely too close to my iPhone, producing my ID when he tells me to. Traveling alone is a completely different animal.

Once I got to the freezing cold state of Ohio, the few days I spent there passed like a blur. The kids are so big now, and I got to meet the youngest two for the first time. It was a 3-day gab fest. That first night, we stayed up until 3:48. Ouch! I had such a great time, and I'm hoping to convince my lovely friend that the next turn is indeed hers. At least I have warm weather & beach to further my cause! :)

Within 5 minutes of being in 34-degree weather, my face felt completely numb. My official tolerance time for cold is 7 minutes. I now refer to Ohio as "frozen, God-forsaken tundra." I can't imagine how I would have survived had it actually snowed.

Even after staying up till nearly 4am, how can you resist this face the next morning??? Lauren is 3 mos. old. A shiny new human! 

She is literally the happiest baby on the planet. 


Ashley is three. She loves to sing songs and read books! And yes, it's true. No matter what type of person you are, when a three-year-old hands you a toy phone, you say hello.


Jason is six. He was not prepared for a photo op at this exact moment because he was playing a game. He's quite a little gentleman.

My feeble attempt at playing with action figures, and a few snapshots of the kids.

We toured the Anthony Thomas Chocolate Factory. It was incredibly fun, although I'm not sure how wise it was of me to hang out in a building with thousands of tons of chocolate on hand. :) 

A 235-lb buckeye. Who in the world would pay $3500 for this thing!!! 


Joanna and me. I'm not sure what happened here but I look insanely awkward. At least she looks great. She looks way to good to have a three-month old! 

Lauren and mommy! 

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